Chemical Science - Royal Society of Chemistry Impact Factor 8.601 12 Issues per Year Immediacy Index 3.07 ... Chem. Sci., 2014, Accepted Manuscript ..... Chemical Science (2010-Present). Year *. Issue ...
臺灣醫學會 臺灣醫誌PDF檔因版權所有僅提供個人研究所需,未經同意不可任意下載做商業用途,若有觸犯將圖法律途徑
Impact Factor | Journal Impact Factor List 2011 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 Impact Factor List 2012 | 2013| 2011 | 2010 | 2009 ... Index Journal Impact Factor 1 4OR Q J OPER RES 0.323 2 AAOHN J 0.509 3 AAPG BULL 1.831 4 AAPS J 5.086 5 AAPS PHARMSCITECH 1.432 6 AATCC REV 0.139 7 ABDOM IMAGING
Journals Ranked by Impact - University of Delaware Library SCI-BYTES (archive from 2008-2011) was a weekly summary of what's new in research. In almost every other issue, there was a section on "Journals Ranked by Impact." This information is obtained from the ISI Journal Citation Reports and the ISI Journal ...
03.27.2011 - Journals Listed by Impact: Food Science & Technology - - Thomson Reute Journals Listed by Impact: Food Science & Technology ... Rank 2009 Impact Factor Impact 2005-09 Impact 1981-2009 1 Molecular Nutrition &
blog dds: 2012.07.03 - Impact Factor of Computer Science Journals 2011 The Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge has published the 2011 Journal Citation Reports. Following similar studies I performed in 2007, '08, '09, '10, and '11, here is my analysis of the current status and trends for the impact factor of computer science jou
04.10.2011 - Journals Listed by Impact: Substance Abuse - - Thomson Reuters Journals Listed by Impact: Substance Abuse ... Rank Impact Factor 2009 Impact Impact 2005-09 Impact 1981-2009 1 Addiction
Journal Impact Factors JCR 2011 JCR 2011 ... ISSN, Total Cites, Impact Factor, 5-Year Impactor Factor, Immediacy Index, Articles .... 52, 51, ACS COMB SCI, 2156-8952, 81, 0.852, 88, 0.00006.